Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Friday, February 6, 2009

The yung Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi has followed a responsible path on his journey toward Jedi knighthood as the Padawan apprentice to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Strongly influenced by other leading Jedi as well as by Qui-Gon, Obi Wan is more brooding and cautious than his teacher. He is careful to weigh the consequences of his actions and his reluctant to entangle himself Numbered Listunnecessarily in transgressions against the will at the Jedi High Council. A serious, quiet man possessed of a dry sense of humor, Obi_-Wan strives to be worthy of his order and feels honored to be Qui-Gon's student, although he worries about his Master's tendency to take risks in defiance of the Council. Nevertheless, Obi-Wan follows Qui-Gon Jinn's example and develops an independent spirit of his own.

The notice

Every month there will be info on a Star wars caracter or topic from the complete Star Wars visual Dictionary.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Star Wars LEGO minifigures!

A super battle droid is 4 pieces. They are very good for guards. It would be very hard too loose them in a clean room. Super battle droids are also good for walking beside vehicles. I would give it 10 out of 10.



Battle droids are 5 pieces with out the gun. You can not have a good battle with out them. They are the most important part of a battle. I would give it 10 out of 10.

With a camander droid you can control your whole army with it. It is 5 pieces with out the gun. A nice bright yellow colour in the middle. I would give it 10 out of 10.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Imperial dropship set 7667!

The imperial dropship is stable and doesn't take long to build.It comes with 4 people 3 stormtroopers and 1 darktrooper.Il has 4 guns the guns are 2 pistols amd 2 rifles.I don't like to put stikers on I like the blocks panted.I would give this set 9out of 10.

droid battle pack 7654 set!

The droids are very detailed and stable.Doesn't take long to build.Comes with 4 battle droids and 3 super battle droids.I would give this 10 out of 10.

The tank has two lasers guns and very stable.Doesn't take too long to build.The front can move side to side.The lasers can move up and down.I would give this 10 out of 10.I don't have a picture for it.

The stap is also stable and detailed.The same two lasers on the tank.There are two guns on the side.Doesn't take long to build.I would give it 10 out of 10.

The set is very detailed and stable.Very good for a little army.I would give the set 10 out of 10

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hailfire droid and Spider droid set 7670!


The hailfire droid and spider droid set comes with 5 droids.One commander battle droid, 3 battle droids and one supper battle droid.The hailfire droid has 8 flick missiles with red at the top.Most of the set is small pieces.It is very stable.I would give this a 10 out of 10.

The spider droid doesn't take long to build.The laser part falls of a lot.It's not very stable.The top moves around and the eyes go up and down.The spider droid looks good.Over all I would give it a 5 out of 10.

The droids are very good a very nice commander droid in the yellow. Super battle droid is also very nice and detailed.The battle droid also very detailed.the are all very stable.I would give it 10 out of 10.

The set is very good specially for people who want tanks and droids for thier army.No stickers are on the set!Very detailed pistals.I would give the set 9 out of 10.